Joel Coats (left) and Steven Bradbury (right) with 2016 Paul Dahm memorial lecturer Ke Dong (center).
Paul A. Dahm was a faculty member of Entomology at Iowa State University for 34 years (1953 to 1987) in Insecticide Toxicology. He was conferred the Charles F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor of Agriculture in 1969, and served as Chairman of the Department of Entomology from 1975 to 1982. Dahm taught courses in Insecticide Toxiciology, Insect Physiology, and Medical and Veterinary Entomology. He served as major professor for 22 Ph.D. and 17 M.S. students and published widely in the areas of insecticide metabolism and environmental fate. He was conferred honorary member of the Entomological Society of America in 1985.
The Paul A. Dahm Memorial Lecture in Entomology is held annually, usually in April. Invited speakers address a range of subjects relating to Insect Toxicology.
Previous Dahm Memorial Lecture Speakers
- April 1, 2019: Dr. R. Michael Roe, North Carolina State University. Ticks are not insects--how do they see, smell and reproduce?
- April 30, 2018: Dr. Peter Piermarini, The Ohio State University. Discovery of natural and 'unnatural' mosquitocides with novel mechanisms of action.
- April 24, 2017: Dr. Murray Isman, University of British Columbia. Botanical insecticides: the magic of mixtures.
- April 11, 2016: Dr. Ke Dong, Michigan State University. Can Mosquitoes and Flies Smell Pyrethroid Insecticides?
- April 20, 2015: Dr. Chris Mullin, Pennsylvania State University. The formulation makes the poison
- April 14, 2014: Dr. Jan Chambers, Mississippi State University. Novel Neuroprotectants for Organophosphate Toxicity: Saving Lives and Saving Brains
- April 8, 2013: Dr. Patricia Pietrantonio, Texas A&M University. Towards Target Validation in Pests: From Candidate Receptors to Phenotypes
- April 18, 2012: Dr. Barry Pittendrigh, University of Illinois at Urbana -Champaign, IL. Molecular Basis of Insect Responses to Xenobiotics
- April 25, 2011: Dr. Fumio Matsumura, University of California, Davis. Studies on Insecticide Mode of Action: History and Current Research Activity
- April 26, 2010: Dr. Mike E. Adams, University of California, Riverside. Chemical Coding of Innate Behavioral Sequences in Insects
- April 27, 2009: Dr. David M. Soderlund, Department of Entomology, Cornell University. Mechanisms of Insecticide Action and Resistance at the Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel
- April 14, 2008: Dr. Jeff Bloomquist, Department of Entomology, Virginia Tech. Novel and Selective Anticholinesterases for Control of the Malaria Mosquito, Anopheles gambiae
- April 23, 2007: Dr. Glenn King, Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland, Australia. Itsy Bitsy Spider Toxins and Their Potential for Insect Control
- April 3, 2006: Dr. Fred Gould, North Carolina State University. Diversification of Moth Sexual Communication Systems: An Evolutionary Paradox?
- April 4, 2005: Dr. Mike Adang, University of Georgia, Athens. Bridging Basic BT Toxin Receptor Research to Pest Insect Control
- April 5, 2004: Dr. Keith Solomon, University of Guelph, Canada. Pharmaceuticals in the Environment - A New Framework for Risk Assessment?
- April 7, 2003: Dr. Sarjeet Gill, University of California, Riverside. Mode of Action of Bacillus thuringiensis Toxins
- April 29, 2002: Dr. Thomas C. Sparks, Dow Agrosciences, Indianapolis. Natural Products as Insect Control Agents - Does Mother Nature Know Best? The "Evolution" of Spinosyns to Spinosoids
- April 23, 2001: Dr. Jonathan Neal, Department of Entomology, Purdue University. The Host Plant Paradigm Revisited: Ecological Aspects of Feeding on Non-Hosts
- April 10, 2000: Dr. Robert M. Hollingworth, Department of Entomology, Michigan State University, and Director of National Food Safety and Toxicology Center. The Future for Insecticides: The End of the Beginning or the Beginning of the End?
- April 19, 1999: Dr. Jeffrey Scott, Department of Entomology, Cornell University. Cytochromes P450 and Insecticide Resistance: Many Questions and a Few Answers
- April 20, 1998: Dr. Bruce D. Hammock, Departments of Entomology and Environmental Toxicology, University of California, Davis. Development and Evaluation of Recombinant Baculoviruses for Insect Control
- April 28, 1997: Dr. Richard ffrench-Constant, Department of Entomology, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Molecular Basis of Insecticide Target-site Resistance
- April 29, 1996: Dr. Robert Metcalf, University of Illinois. Diabrotica Chemical Ecology: A Pathway to Better Understanding the Evolution, Ecology, and Control of Some of the World's Most Vexatious Pests
- May 1, 1995: Dr. John M. Clark, Department of Entomology, University of Massachusetts. Colorado Potato Beetle: The Lean, Mean Resistance Machine
- April 4, 1994: Dr. Blair Siegfried, Department of Entomology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Biochemical Determinants of Insecticide Toxicology
- March 17, 1993: Dr. Ralph Mumma, Department of Entomology, Pennsylvania State University. Chemical Ecology of Geranium Resistance to Insect Pests
- October 7, 1991: Dr. Allan Felsot, Illinois Natural History Survey, Champaign. Two Perspectives on Biodegradation of Pesticides