Insect Zoo
Iowa State University
- Loans to/from other institutions: usually 20-40 I year, including California Academy of Sciences, Carnegie Museum, Cornell University, Brigham Young University, Field Museum (Chicago), Illinois Natural History Survey, Museum of Comparative Zoology (Harvard), Purdue University, and United States National Museum I Smithsonian Institution (USA), Canadian National Museum and Royal British Columbia Museum
- (Canada), Australian National Insect Collection and Australian National Museum
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- Only major entomological collection in state of Iowa.
- Primary source of historical specimens from prairie habitats of Iowa & upper Midwest
- Significant collections by H.H. Knight, J.A. Slater, and H.M Harris (Hemiptera), J.L. Laffoon and W.A. Rowley (Diptera), and G.W. Courtney (Dipteraandaquatic insects)
- Significant international collections from Asia (especially India, Nepal, and Thailand), Central America (especially Costa Rica), South America (especially Chile) and Australia
The Iowa State Insect Collection (ISIC), which is housed in the Department of Entomology, Iowa State University, is the only major entomological collection in the state of Iowa.
The collection maintains global holdings for taxa of prior and current research focus (e.g., Miridae, Siphonaptera, Blephariceridae, and Mycetophilidae). ISIC is of national and international importance because it is a primary source of insect specimens from prairie habitats of Iowa, and because of significant collections by H.H. Knight, J.A. Slater, and H.M Harris (Hemiptera), J.L. Laffoon and W.A. Rowley (Diptera), R.L. Lewis (Siphonaptera), and G W. Courtney (Diptera and aquatic insects).
Although the majority of specimens are from Iowa and the upper Midwest, the collection houses abundant representation from other North American localities. Significant international collections include specimens from Asia (especially India, Nepal, and Thailand), Central America (especially Costa Rica), South America (especially Patagonia), and Australasia.