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Related images:

UAN and Urea Burn

UAN injury

Urea overapplication injury

Leaf injury to corn from broadcast ammonium nitrate

Corn tissue damage from UAN

Foliar damage to corn from UAN broadcast

Leaf injury to corn from broadcast urea


Iowa State University


Entomology Image Gallery > Plant Diseases and Damage > Corn > UAN and Urea Burn

Leaf injury to corn from broadcast ammonium nitrate

Leaf injury from broadcast ammonium nitrate at 50 lb N/acre to V6-stage corn.

Leaf injury to corn from broadcast ammonium nitrate

This image appears in the following article:

Post-plant nitrogen applications on corn (May, 2001)

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Iowa State University Entomology Department. Last modified April 14, 2003 by John VanDyk.