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Diplodia Ear Rot

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Diplodia ear rot

Diplodia ear rot of corn


Iowa State University


Entomology Image Gallery > Plant Diseases and Damage > Corn > Diplodia Ear Rot

Diplodia ear rot of corn

This fungus initially appears as a white mold beginning at the base of the ear. The mold and the kernels then turn grayish brown and rot the entire ear. A very distinguishing characteristic is the appearance of raised black bumps (pycnidia) on the moldy husk or kernels. Diplodia ear rot occurs most often in fields under reduced tillage where corn follows corn.

Diplodia ear rot of corn

This image appears in the following article:

Ear rot and mold problems (October, 2001)

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Iowa State University Entomology Department. Last modified October 23, 2001 by John VanDyk.