Image Gallery

Related images:

Grasshoppers and Crickets

Red-legged grasshopper

Grasshopper injury of corn

Grasshoppers on pretassel-stage corn

Grasshopper nymph

Differential grasshopper

Differential grasshopper killed by pathogen

Differential grasshopper killed by fungus

Grasshoppers defoliating corn leaves

Adult differential grasshoppers killed with an insecticide

Grasshoppers on soybean plants

Grasshopper nymph

Grasshopper Density on Corn

Grasshoppers on Corn Ear

Grasshopper Damage to Corn

Plains lubber grasshopper

Differential and lubber grasshoppers


Iowa State University


Entomology Image Gallery > Grasshoppers and Crickets

Differential and lubber grasshoppers

The common differential grasshopper is dwarfed by the 2 1/2-inch-long lubber grasshopper.

Differential and lubber grasshoppers

This image appears in the following article:

Have you seen this monster grasshopper? (July 2003)

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Iowa State University Entomology Department. Last modified 7/18/03 by John VanDyk.