Image Gallery

Related images:

Bean Leaf Beetle

Sampling bean leaf beetles

Counting Bean Leaf Beetle

Bean leaf beetle without spots

Bean Leaf Beetle (red phase)

Bean leaf beetle (yellow phase)

Bean leaf beetle

Bean leaf beetle (yellow phase)

Bean Leaf Beetle Feeding

Bean Leaf Beetle

Bean leaf beetle (red phase)

Several color phases of the bean leaf beetle

Bean leaf beetle (red phase and yellow phase)

Bean leaf beetle parasitized by fungus

Bean leaf beetles on early-emerging soybean


Iowa State University


Entomology Image Gallery > Beetles > Bean Leaf Beetle

Bean Leaf Beetle (red phase)

Some bean leaf beetles are red instead of yellow.

Bean Leaf Beetle (red phase)

This image appears in the following articles:

Bean leaf beetles reduce soybean yield (September 1996)
Bean leaf beetles damage soybean pods (September 1997)
Early-season bean leaf beetles rarely equal economic damage (May 1998)
Bean leaf beetles damage soybean pods (August 1998)
Bean leaf beetles can knock down soybean yields (August 1999)
Expect lots of bean leaf beetles in 2000 (May 2000)
Bean leaf beetle thresholds (July 2000)
Management of bean leaf beetle to reduce defoliation (May 2002)

This is a copyrighted image. All rights reserved. Please see our usage policy page for usage information.
Iowa State University Entomology Department. Last modified 7/25/03 by John VanDyk.