Using grower-driven and publically held data to resolve IPM problems in agriculture

Monday, November 3, 2014 - 4:10pm
Event Type: 

Russel Groves, from the University of Wisconsin - Madison's Department of Entomology, will be presenting a seminar as a part of the Harold Gunderson Memorial Lecture series.

Event will be located in E164 Lagomarcino Hall.

Abstract: Eco-Informatics, defined as the integrated application of mathematics, computer science, statistics, and ecology, has been applied to the study and management of complex ecosystems and processes. The approach is an emerging field that integrates agricultural and ecosystem sciences with geographic information sciences, information management and processing, and spatio-temporal pattern recognition. Such approaches are facilitated by accessibility to both private and publically held databases that have emerged in agriculture and the plant protection sciences. Regional and national databases now provide information for the resolution of challenging and intractable, integrated pest management problems surrounding the management of insect-vectored plant pathogens
