Landscape genomics approaches in agriculture, conservation and evolutionary research

Monday, April 10, 2017 - 4:10pm
Event Type: 

Dr. Sean Schoville from the University of Wisconsin Department of Entomology will be presenting a seminar as part of the Department of Entomology's spring semester seminar series.  Dr. Schoville is the Entomology Graduate Student Organization (EGSO) speaker.

Abstract: Landscape genomics is an emerging field that attempts to link genome-scale genetic variation to spatial heterogeneity in the environment, in order to understand how environmental factors influences gene flow and genetic adaptation. This field has developed rapidly in recent years, providing novel insights into evolutionary and ecological processes, and creating opportunities to apply this knowledge in both agricultural and conservation settings. Here I’ll review the state-of-the-art in landscape genomics methodology as it pertains to measuring gene flow and identifying adaptive evolution, and address some of the pitfalls of these methods. I’ll apply a landscape genomics framework to address how insecticide resistance in Colorado potato beetle evolves in an agricultural setting, and how we can apply these methods to assess how protected areas and corridors maximize gene flow in fragmented alpine habitats

The ENT seminar series is coordinated by Greg Courtney ( and Rick Hellmich ( Please feel free to contact them with questions.
