Effects of cover crop and extended rotation on beneficial arthropod communities and pest insects

Monday, March 30, 2015 - 4:10pm
Event Type: 

Mike Dunbar from Iowa State University's Department of Entomology will be presenting his thesis as a part of the spring semester seminar series. This Ph.D defense seminar will be located in E164 Lagomarcino Hall.

Abstract: Corn (Zea mays L.) is an economically important crop with demands increasing both domestically and globally. Alternative production strategies, such as the use of cover crops and extended rotations, may help to ensure continued productivity. Managing pest injury is another important component of corn-based cropping systems.  Pests of agriculture, including arthropods, have the potential to significantly reduce crop yields.  Integrative Pest Management (IPM) combines multiple management strategies, such as chemical pesticides and crop rotations, with knowledge of pest ecology to manage pest pressure in an economically and environmentally viable way. Understanding how alternative management practices influence natural enemy and pest populations is a crucial component of IPM

The ENT seminar series is coordinated by Greg Courtney and Rick Hellmich. Please contact them with any questions about this event.
