Developing risk-based approaches for feasible pest management and endangered species protection.

Monday, February 9, 2015 - 4:10pm
Event Type: 

Dr. Stephen P. Bradbury from Iowa State University's Department of Entomology will be presenting this research as a part of the spring semester seminar series. The seminar will be located in E164 Lagomarcino Hall.

Abstract: U.S. EPA pesticide registration decisions are Federal actions covered under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act.  The EPA, US Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service and USDA requested a review by the National Research Council to provide guidance on advancing a consistent and coordinated pesticide risk assessment methodology for listed species.  The NRC published its report in 2013 and recommended: a common risk assessment process based on EPA’s ecological risk assessment framework; a spatially and temporally-explicit exposure modeling framework; approaches to assess sub-lethal effects and population responses; methods for evaluating mixtures of pesticides and other chemicals; and implementation of probability-based risk estimates.  The EPA, Services, and USDA are collaborating in the implementation of the new risk assessment methods through the EPA’s pesticide re-evaluation program.  There remains the need to fully establish a harmonized risk assessment methodology and resolve policy and regulatory issues concerning the use of local agronomic practices to devise practical and effective risk mitigation measures when required.

The ENT seminar series is coordinated by Greg Courtney and Rick Hellmich. Please contact them with any questions about this event.
