Libnotes (Libnotes)

Alternative Taxonomy: 

As a subgenus of Limonia:
Limonia (Libnotes)


Westwood, J.O. 1876. Notae Dipterologicae. No. 2. - Descriptions of some new exotic species of Tipulidae. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1876: 505.


The subgenera of Libnotes presented here are as listed by Oosterbroek (2005) and is comprised of genera that had previously been placed under Limonina. The concept of Libnotes presented here is based on the deflection of the braches of Rs and Medial veins ventrally, thereby causing an enlargement of cell r3.

Libnotes (Libnotes) is recognized by the characteristic wing venation and overall dosal-ventral narrowing of the wing. The subgenus Libnotes shows four distinct elements: 1) the split of M and CuA crossvein presented near the wing midlength, 2) discal cell (dm) elongate, 3) Sc ending well beyond the split of Rs, and 4) the extreme ventrally decurved branches of Rs. The male hypopygium is of the Dicranomyia type, but possess a additional setae adorned lobe on the face of the ventral gonostylus. This additional lobe is also seen in Laosa and Gressittomyia.

Libnotes (Libnotes) sp. wing
Figure 1. Wing of Libnotes (Libnotes) sp. (scale bar = 1.0 mm)

Libnotes (Libnotes) sp. hypopygium
Figure 2. Male hypopygium of Libnotes (Libnotes) sp. (scale bar = 0.5 mm)

A diverse (139 species) and widely distributed subgenus that is limited to the Eastern Hemishpere that finds its greatest diversity in the Oriental (87 species) and Australian/Oceanic (57 species) regions. The remaining species are found in the Eastern Palearctic (11 species) Afrotropical (1 species) Regions.

Larval Habitat: 

Libnotes (Libnotes) jocularis, L. strigivena, and L. swezeyana have been reared from the rotten bark of dug-dug (Artocarpus mariannensis) in Guam (Alexander 1942) and L. greenwoodi from the fruits of plants of the family Myrtceae (Alexander 1924).