

Skuse, F.A.A. 1890. Diptera of Australia, Part 7. The Tipulidae brevipalpi. Proceedings of the Linnaean Society of New South Wales (2) 4: 830.


Lechria is a small group of 13 species that is defined by the wing venation and by the near holoptic condition of the adult fly. The wing showes the split of the Medial vein occuring near the wing midlength, resulting in a long angular discal cell.


Head: Anterior vertex suppressed; eyes closely situated causing a nearly holoptic condition. Rostrum length less than or subequal to that of the remaining head. Maxillary palpus length less than or subequal to that of the remaining head; palpomeres subequal. Antennae: 16 articles; antennomeres suboval.

Lechria philippinensis wing
Figure 1. Wing of Lechria philippinensis Alexander (scale bar = 1.0 mm).

Wing: Subhyline to suffused with darker, additional coloration uncommon; stigma present or absent; anal angle of wing present. Wing venation: Sc short, Sc1 not or slightly removed from Sc2; both elements ending after split of Rs; R1+2 greater than 2 times R2; two branches of Rs (R4, R5) attaining wing margin; two branches Medial veins (M1+2, M3) attaining wing margin; cell dm present, elongate; CuA crossvein near or before wing midlength, causing disalignment in distal wing chord; two Cubital veins (CuA1, CuA2) attaining wing margin; two Anal veins (A1, A2) attaining wing margin.

Lechria philippinensis hypopygium
Figure 2. Male hypopygium of Lechria philippinensis Alexander (scale bar = 0.5 mm).

Male hypopygium: Male hypopygium: 9th tergite (9t) and sternite (9s) fused to a continuous ring. Gonostylus bifid; dorsal gonostyle heavily sclerotized, falcate with microscopic scabrous points over the outer face; ventral gonostyle bulbous a long, sclerotized rod. Apex of the aedeagus simple, with one terminal opening; adeagus flanked on either side by ventral gonopothesis. Proctriger simple, without modification.


Lechria is strictly an Oriental (13 species) and Australian/Oceanic (6 species) group. The distribution of Lechria is widespread throughout the Oriental Region but documented by infrequent collection records.

Larval Habitat: 

The larval habitat of this genus is unknown.