Limonia (Achyrolimonia)
Dicranomyia (Achyrolimoia)
Alexander, C.P. 1965. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 91: 48.
Achyrolimonia is a small genus that is strongly represented in the Eastern Hemisphere. It is distinguished from other genera of Limoniinae by the reduction of the rostrum to a nearly absent state, the reduced segmentation of the maxillary palpus (2 or fewer palpomeres), and the distinct male hypopygium. The rostral projection of the ventral gonostylus is strongly sclerotized and equipped with two (rarely one) variably placed spines. The typical arrangement shows one basal spine placed near the projection base, situated on a prominent tubercle, and the second spine placed on the distal section of the projection. The wing venation of the genus is typical for Limoniinae with little variation from the Dicranomyia or Limonia type. This genus is very similar to Sivalimonia but is differentiated by the reduction of the rostrum and maxillary palpus.
Though a small genus, The geographic range of Achyrolimonia is broad and encompasses all biogeographic regions except Antarctica. Records of Oriental species (11 spp.) are mainly from the Philippines and the Malaysian peninsula, with one additional species known from the Uttar Pradesh region of India. The genus is most strongly represented in the African Region (18 species), with a range existing from the western edge of Africa, east to Madagascar. Species are also known from the West and East Palearctic (6 species), Australian/Oceanic (4 species), and Nearctic (1 species) Regions.
The larval preferences of this genus are unknown.