Crane fly male hypopygium

Male hypopygium: 

The male hypopygium provides characters that are important for all levels of Tipuloidea classification. The hypopygium is comprised of the ninth abdominal segment and the male genetal segments.

Lipsothrix morphology
Figure 1. Lateral (A) and dorsal (B) views of the male hypopygium of Lipsothrix sylvia (8s: eigth sternite; 8t: eigth tergite; 9s+t: combined ninth sternite and tergite; aed: adeagus; d gonst: dorsal gonostylus; goncx: gonocoxite; gonst: gonostylus comprised of dorsal and ventral gonostylus; ib: interbase; v gonst: ventral gonostylus).

Rhipidia morphology
Figure 2. Lateral (A) and dorsal (B) views of the male hypopygium of Rhipidia (Rhipidia) domestica (8s: eigth sternite; 8t: eigth tergite; 9s: ninth sternite; 9t: ninth tergite; combined ninth sternite and tergite; aed: adeagus; d gonst: dorsal gonostylus; goncx: gonocoxite; gonst: gonostylus comprised of dorsal and ventral gonostylus; mvl: meso-ventral lobe of the gonocoxite; rst: rostral projection of the ventral gonostylus; rst sp: spines of rostral projection; v gonst: ventral gonostylus).

9th abdominal segment:



Rostral projection:

Mesoventral lobe:
