Evolutionary responses to climate variation in alpine insects of western North America

Monday, October 27, 2014 - 4:10pm
Event Type: 

Sean Schoville, from the University of Wisconsin - Madison's Department of Entomology, will be giving a seminar as a part of the Iowa State University Department of Entomology fall semester seminar series.

Event will be located in E164 Lagomarcino Hall.

Abstract: Climate plays an important role in generating global biodiversity patterns, governing macro-scale species richness patterns, as well as defining and limiting an organism’s distribution down to a local scale. My research focuses on the linkages between climate variability and evolutionary and ecological processes, including speciation, adaptation and community formation in alpine insects. I will discuss speciation patterns of ice-crawlers (Grylloblattidae), climate-induced bottlenecks in alpine butterflies, and the role that climatic variability may play in niche diversification in alpine carabid beetles. Finally, I will introduce some new approaches to identify genetic adaptation to climate in genomic datasets.
